
April 2020 Newsletter

Palms in Habitat – Washintonia filifera in Arizona Before this year, I had never been to the desert. Being a palm guy, I eagerly said yes to a trip with Larry Noblick to see our native Washintonia filifera in its desert habitat. I was also interested to see what the desert was all about. Besides […]

March 2020 Newsletter

One of the great joys of all palm lovers is visiting palms in habitat. This is why the International Palm Society Biennial meetings are so memorable. This exhilaration clearly resonates with our mandate of palm and habitat preservation. The Southern California desert hosts the only palm native to the western United States and one of […]

January/February 2020 Newsletter

Dedication to the preservation of palms, interactions with legendary palm scientists, hobbyists and growers, as well as collegiality (read: fun) are the hallmarks of International Palm Society. A cohort of palm enthusiast recently met in San Diego California. One of the great benefits of membership is the opportunity to travel with like-minded individuals and tour […]

September 2019 Newsletter

The Beverly Hilton, home to the annual Golden Globe awards, opened in 1955. Architect Welton Becket designed the building, along with other notable gems including Capital Records and the Santa Monica Civic Center. A tiki-themed Polynesian restaurant, Trader Vic’s (home of the original mai tai) occupied the ground floor, and a decision was made to […]

August 2019 Newsletter

Around the world, palms serve many purposes and are routinely used by many cultures. Dr. John Dransfield forwarded these two photographs taken in Nakorn Ratchasima, Thailand by Dr. Wong Khoon Meng, Singapore. This furniture is crafted from the petioles of Borrasus flabellifer. Dr. Dransfield added that he “particularly liked the flared bases of the stools […]

July 2019 Newsletter

We welcome a new Newsletter editor, Andy Hurwitz, while extending our sincere appreciation to our outgoing editor, Daniel Meza. Andy is starting us off with a series on notable palm gardens. Anyone wishing to contribute a piece of a notable palm garden is encouraged to contact Andy at Notable Palm Gardens: Miami Beach Botanical […]

May 2019 Newsletter

The 2020 IPS Biennial will be held in La Réunion, one of the Mascarene Islands in the Indian Ocean. We are already working on the preparations and are looking forward to seeing you there. IPS Biennial 2020: La Réunion About 40% of its territory is a national park. The Réunion National Park was also designated […]

April 2019 Newsletter

Hello, fellow palm-lovers. This month: about palm-shaped designs in Dubai. Also a short note about the red palm weevil and news about a bridge in Brazil. “Smart” Palms The silhouette of palms has been used widely in marketing and advertising evoking tropical landscapes. This silhouette has also been used by creative designers in Dubai to […]

March 2019 Newsletter

Did you know that you can support the International Palm Society every time you shop on Amazon? Through Amazon’s charitable giving program, AmazonSmile, you can select the IPS as your designated charity, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase prices to the IPS. If you shop on Amazon (and don’t we all?), why not […]

February 2019 Newsletter

This month we present a short note about a prize awarded to women engaged in the oil palm industry in Colombia, which seeks to highlight social aspects of their vocation. Also a note about Fedepalma, the Colombian organization that organizes the award. The Woman Palm-Farmer Every year since 2009, the Colombian Oil Palm Farmers National […]