
Webinar – Designing with Palms with Jason Dewees

Last week The International Palm Society invited you to our first free webinar. Over 150 people registered to listen in as palm expert Jason Dewees presented a slide talk about designing gardens with palms, showing examples of spectacular, well-designed landscapes from Hawai’i, California, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, all beautifully photographed by Caitlin Atkinson. If you […]

The Cliff Date Palm – Phoenix rupicola

Date palms are littered throughout the central Florida landscape.  While not native, they are certainly ubiquitous and have adapted well to Florida’s climate.  I’ve often wondered how the original specimens were introduced.  Perhaps it was a plant pioneer like David Fairchild or Henry Nehrling.  These palms certainly occupy an important part of Florida’s landscape, particularly […]


The IPS supports palm education, research and conservation. Through grants to individuals from the Endowment Fund, the IPS furthers education and research-based conservation. You can read about some of our grant recipients by clicking here. #GivingTuesday While the IPS runs fundraising all year, #GivingTuesday is a special one for us. #GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing […]

Litter-Trapping Palms

One of the cruel ironies of the Tropics is that the soils that support magnificent rainforests are notoriously infertile. If tropical soils are so nutrient-poor, how can they support such diverse, towering forests? The paradox of rich and complex forests growing on infertile land was not resolved until the mid-twentieth century, when ecologists shed light […]