September 2015 Newsletter

A HINT OF SARAWAK: The 2016 Pre-Tour
by David Tanswell

Clockwise from top left: Caryota no at the entrance to Mulu Caves; Pinanga rivularis; Arenga undulatifolia; Salacca rupicola at the headwaters of the Sungei Melanau; longboats required to access some national parks; Areca dayung in Lambir Hills NP.

David Tanswell, together with palm adventurers Philip Arrowsmith, Rudy Meyer, and Michael Gray, set off on a reconnoitre for the IPS 2016 pre-tour. What a great excuse to go back to Sarawak, the east Malaysian state on the island of Borneo, and check out its National Parks from Mulu in the north east to Kuching in the south west. Philip, Rudy, David and Michael didn’t take much convincing, all are Sarawak veterans having had many off track Sarawak adventures together over the last 20 years.

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