December 2013 Newsletter

Our Mission Statement
The International Palm Society, Inc. is operated solely and exclusively for scientific and/or educational  purposes related to the study of palms, their propagation, culture, conservation, care, and development.

Wishing all IPS Members a Joyous Holiday Season and a Happy New Year !

With inexpensive Chinese take out boxes, potting soil, and some colorful palm seeds, the Hawai’i Island Palm Society uses these give­aways at their public outreach events in an effort to inspire palm tree appreciation in a
younger generation. With palm ID tags and planting instructions, kids are encouraged to clean the seed and find out more about their palm on­line. Only time will tell how effective this is, but so far the kids just love them.

Jim and Liz Cain, Rio Biennial, 2010 ­ Photo courtesy Antonio Gomez

Remembering Jim Cain
“I valued Jim’s contribution to the IPS most highly ­ he was a real stalwart. He was always so clear­ thinking and positive. He was throughout immensely supportive of our journal and of us editors… He was also a wonderful friend ­ just excellent company.” ­­ John Dransfield “To say Jim was a mainstay could not begin to describe all the good he represented. He gave unselfishly to family, friends and all of us in the IPS. We will miss you Jim.” ­­ Leland Lai “I worked with Jim a great deal in the last several years and know of his dedication to the IPS and his striving for excellence in all his efforts for us. My memories will always be of a friend and highly regarded colleague.” ­­ Michael Merritt “Jim was such a rock. He unabashedly loved the IPS and loved life. His smile and generosity were as big as all Texas. So sad to think he’s gone.” ­­Scott Zona

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