October 2022 Newsletter

Bon Voyage Edition

The vivid crownshaft of Areca macrocalyx, from the garden of Dean Ouer. This is a NOT-TO-BE-MISSED, add-on option in Kona during the Hawaii biennial (photo by Dean Ouer).

I am absolutely twitterpated to be flying out today to attend our 32nd (and first in four years) biennial tour. As I prepare to depart, I’m reminded of IPS President (1996–2000) Dr. Phil Bergman’s admonition: “…a real vacation means that you go somewhere warmer than you are now. Of course, that translates into you go somewhere where there are more palms than you have in your area. The corollary to this is you figure out the best way to see the most palms in a limited time.” (Principes 38 (4): 202. 1994.). I am quite confident that the 2022 Hawaiian Islands biennial will reward us on all accords. See you in Hawaii!

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