April 2022 Newsletter

International Palm Society’s Hawaiian Islands Biennial

The International Palm Society is first and foremost bound by our mission of research, education, and conservation. However, after these achievements, we love to travel. In fact, just over half a century ago (51 years to be exact), famed Principes (now PALMS) editor Dr. Harold Moore embarked on an epic sabbatical that included Ghana, Gabon, Nigeria, Ethiopia, French Somaliland (now Djibouti), Madagascar, Reunion, Thailand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Fiji, and Samoa!

In October, our membership will be treated to an extraordinary array of rare and seldom-seen palm species, perfectly grown in Hawaii. This edition of the newsletter will simply let the pictures do the talking. On behalf of the entire Board is Directors, I sincerely hope that you will join us for the International Palm Society’s 32nd biennial in Hawaii.

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Pictured: Manicaria saccifera (seen on the Colombia biennial) by Suchin Marcus