[webinar recording] Ecology of the Mazri Palm (Nannorrhops ritchiana) in the forests of Pakistan

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Date(s) - 02/17/2024
12:00 am


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The Mazri palm – Nannorrhops ritchieana (Griff.) Aitch., is native to Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Oman. This webinar will explore the ecology, socioeconomic, and management of Mazri Palm in this unique region. I will focus on its provisioning ecosystem service and maximum demand, which is a dramatic threat to its population conservation in the region.




Dr. Abdullah Abdullah

Abdullah is a Ph.D. Scholar at the Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan under the supervision of Shujaul Mulk Khan.

He is interested in the ecology, ecosystem services and conservation of Palms concerning climatic changes. He worked with different Palm experts including, Henrik Balslev as a visiting researcher at the Department of Biology, Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity Section, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Alongside basic curiosity about palm and climate change, Abdullah is highly motivated to contribute to the conservation and restoration of different species projects. He explored different areas of Pakistan for ecological and ethnobiological data collection along with his supervisor Shujaul Mulk Khan. He developed nurseries of Nannorrhops ritchieana palm in the botanical garden of Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He has published 29 research papers and 12 book chapters. Abdullah also presented his research work at eight different prestigious conferences across the world.