
map of New Caledonia

Day 1. Sun Sept. 22, 2024. Arrival Day.

Nouméa. Airport PU to Chateau Royal Hotel.

  • Airport shuttle provided
  • Breakfast & lunch on own
  • Hotel Check-in
  • 5:30 PM: Social gathering
  • 7:00 PM: Welcome banquet with a special tribute to Jean-Christophe Pintaud by Dr. William Baker
  • 8:30 PM: Opening remarks and key speakers

Day 2. Mon Sept. 23, 2024. Rivière Bleue Botanical Reserve.

Nouméa. Chateau Royal Hotel.

  • Breakfast at your leisure before bus departs
  • Bus to Rivière Bleue Botanical Reserve
  • Palms to see:
    • Cyphokentia macrostachya
    • Basselinia gracilis
    • Chambeyronia divaricata
    • Clinosperma vaginata
    • Cyphophoenix fulcitus
    • Burretiokentia grandiflora
  • Dinner on own

Day 3. Tue Sept. 24, 2024. South, grand tour Prony, Goro, Yaté.

Nouméa. Chateau Royal Hotel.

  • Places to visit:
    • Forêt du Pic du Pin
    • Forêt nord
    • Goro – Yaté
  • Palms to see:
    • Cyphophoenix fulcitus big population
    • Basselinia gracilis
    • Basselinia pancherii
    • Chambeyronia divaricata
    • Clinosperma bracteale
  • Dinner on own

Day 4. Wed Sept. 25, 2024. South, middle, east coast, west coast.

Deva. Sheraton Deva Hotel.

  • Breakfast at your leisure before bus departs
  • Places to visit:
    • Col d’Amieu
    • Plateau de Poro + East coast
    • Kua Valley round trip
    • Organize custom welcome with locals and traditional “Bougna” for lunch
  • Palms to see:
    • Burretiokentia vieillardii
    • Basselinia pancherii
    • Chambeyronia oliviformis
    • Chambeyronia houahilouensis
    • Chambeyronia divaricata
  • Speakers after dinner:
    • Key speaker #1 (Dr. William Baker, Kew Royal Botanical Gardens: Palms of New Guinea)
    • Speaker 2: TBD

Day 5. Thu Sept. 26, 2024. Middle, west coast.

Deva. Sheraton Deva Hotel.

  • Breakfast at your leisure before bus departs
  • Places to visit:
    • Landlord property
    • Nodela Botanical Reserve stunning views over west coast and Rivière du Cap
  • Palms to see:
    • Chambeyronia macrocarpa
    • Chambeyronia divaricata
    • Basselinia gracilis
    • Burretiokentia dumasii
  • Speakers TBD after dinner

Day 6. Fri Sept. 27, 2024. Col d’Amos.

Deva. Sheraton Deva Hotel.

  • Early breakfast before bus departs
  • Col d’Amos day trip, early departure, return early evening for dinner at Deva. Stunning views over the west and east coast and far north. Stop at vallée des palmiers, in route to Col d/’ Amos.
  • Palms to see:
    • Chambeyronia magnifica
    • Cyphophoenis elegant
    • Cyphokentia cerifera
    • Basselinia gracilis

Day 7. Sat SEPT. 28, 2024. Nouméa.

Nouméa. Chateau Royal Hotel.

  • Places to visit:
    • Forêt de palmiers
    • Royaux de Moindou Roystonea (Roystonea oleracea), possibly the tallest Roystonea grove
    • Lavoix property
    • Mont Koghi
  • Palms to see:
    • Chambeyronia oliviformis
    • Chambeyronia macrocarpa
    • Chambeyronia lepidota
    • Chambeyronia piersoniorum
    • Cyphophoenix alba
    • Cyphokentia macrostachya
    • Basselinia SP
    • Chambeyronia hookerii
    • Cyphophoenix elegant
    • Chambeyronia divaricata
    • Basselinia gracilis
    • Burretiokentia koghiensis
  • Dinner on own

Day 8. Sun Sept. 29. 2024. Nouméa. Pierson property.

Nouméa. Chateau Royal Hotel.

  • Pierson property: landscaped park with hundreds of species and guided custom walking
  • 5:30 PM: Social gathering
  • 7:00 PM: Farewell banquet
  • 8:30 PM: Closing remarks and entertainment
  • All guests return to the Chateau Royal after program

Day 9. Mon SEPT 30, 2024. Departure Day.

Nouméa. Chateau Royal Hotel.

  • Transportation to airport
* Itinerary is tentative and subject to change.