November 2021 Newsletter

Save the Species – Save the Rainforest

Salvamontes (, a nonprofit NGO closely aligned with several Colombian and foreign agencies, chose the unique and endangered Darién Gap as their second conservation project. Previously Salvamontes engineered a very successful conservation program at Alto de Ventanas, located in the northern cloud forest of the Central Cordillera of Colombia.

To preserve the Serranía, Salvamontes will acquire about 100 hectares of rainforest at La Paloma camp, with an additional 130 hectares to follow. Not only will this result in the successful conservation of Sabinaria magnifica in habitat, but at least another 30 species of palms, along with the “jaguars and wonderful monkeys and toucans.”

Our Save the Species effort directly targets rainforest and habitat protection. To do so we will provide financial support to in-situ conservation, upkeep, and preservation.

PIMBY – Palms of the Seychelles Islands

Palms In My Backyard (PIMBY) was inaugurated in the aftermath of the pandemic mandated travel restrictions. This initiative sought to elevate the status of local plants (even “common” palms) perhaps previously overlooked in our quest for the exotic and rare. I hope that this appreciation of plants in our respective neighborhoods will not subside. However, the US officially reopened its borders on November 8 (after over 18 months), so thankfully this will be the final installment of PIMBY. We saved the best for last.

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