Save the Species by Andy Hurwitz
The International Palm Society, a not-for-profit organization, struggles mightily to limit the ubiquitous worldwide destruction of palm habitat. Obviously, this requires significant financial support and thankfully our membership has always been generous. In observance of giving Tuesday (always the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, hence December 1, 2020) this issue of the IPS newsletter is dedicated toward philanthropy.

Tahina spectabilis, in habitat, Madagascar by Dr. John Dransfield
I am particularly proud of the recently completed “Save the Species” Tahina project. This initiative, cobranded with our beloved internet forum, Palmtalk, generated the donations required to preserve this magnificent, yet threatened, genus from Madagascar. This is critical because in Madagascar, deforestation is swift and unremitting, with vast habitats devastated at alarming rates. Sadly, this was experienced firsthand by the late Dr. Mardy Darian, a pioneer in the discovery and ex-situ cultivation of Malagasy palms. Dr. Darian had discovered a spectacularly robust and colorful Dypsis species and was anxious to revisit the site where these palms were plentiful. Of course, he hoped to collect seeds. However, upon his return to Madagascar he found that this entire forest “had been completely annihilated” and sadly “there wasn’t even a trace…almost like it had simply never existed.” Thanks to the many donors to the Tahina project, Tahina spectabilis will be preserved in the wild and will not meet the same fate as Dr. Darian’s Dypsis. And, if you have not done so already, please enjoy the fascinating webinar on the species by Dr. John Dransfield. It is available on the IPS site and will soon be on the IPS YouTube channel.
Also included in the November News:
- Are We Sustainable? Profiling Our Patrons By Anthony Glomaski
- Thank you to New Lifetime Members!
- New Membership Tiers