
June 2014 Newsletter

2014 BIENNIAL IN SOUTH FLORIDA: People and Palms The June and July issues of the Newsletter will be dedicated to the gathering of 128 members in Miami. The first evening, after a presentation by Dr. John Dransfield about the discovery of Guihaia argyrata, Libby Besse was bestowed the Dent Smith Award for her many years of service to the IPS. The same award was […]

May 2014 Newsletter

Fifty Years Back: International Palm Society’s 1964 Biennial in Arcadia,California Excerpts from the archives of PRINCIPES  “Report of the Biennial Meeting April 11-18, 1964 “The California members of The Palm Society were hosts to the fourth Biennial Meeting, which was held at the Los Angeles State and County Arboretum, Arcadia, Calif., on April 11th, 1964 at 10 a.m. About sixty members and their guests […]

April 2014 Newsletter

IPS Endowment Grant Recipient:Mijoro Rakotoarinivo  from Cindy Adair Each year, the IPS considers applications for grants from the IPS Endowment Fund. At the 2010 IPS Biennial in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Board of Directors awarded a small research grant to, among others, Mijoro Rakotoarinivo. Mijoro is the Kew Madagascar Conservation Centre and Geographic Information Science Unit Manager and Palms Conservation Officer. According […]

March 2014 Newsletter

Origins of the International Palm Society from Dr. John Dransfield In January 1956 shortly after the establishment of the Palm Society in 1955, our founder, Dent Smith, prepared the first part of a Bulletin that was circulated to all subscribing and prospective members. The Bulletin was mimeographed on 8½ by 11 in. paper, simply stapled in one corner. […]

February 2014 Newsletter

PALMETUM of TENERIFE INAUGURATION Inauguración del Palmétum de Santa Cruz de Tenerife When the International Palm Society Board of Directors held its October 2011 meeting in the Canary Islands, a highlight was a visit to the Palmetum of Santa Cruz, Tenerife which was under development. As described by IPS Director Carlo Morici who was deeply […]

January 2014 Newsletter

IPS SOUTH FLORIDA BIENNIAL MAY 2014  The International Palm Society is holding its 2014 Biennial in Miami and the Florida Keys from May 24 to 31. The last time a biennial was held in Miami was in 1992 just weeks after Hurricane Andrew. Events during the biennial will include seeing palms in habitat as well as some private gardens not easily […]

December 2013 Newsletter

Our Mission Statement The International Palm Society, Inc. is operated solely and exclusively for scientific and/or educational  purposes related to the study of palms, their propagation, culture, conservation, care, and development. Wishing all IPS Members a Joyous Holiday Season and a Happy New Year ! PASS THE MU SHU PLEASE! With inexpensive Chinese take out boxes, potting soil, and some colorful palm seeds, the […]

November 2013 Newsletter

Dear IPS Members and Friends: This email launches a monthly outreach to bring you news and information about the International Palm Society. News in the Palm World A spectacular, never-before-seen palm genus has been discovered in Colombia. Read about it here (photos included): An article about its serendipitous discovery will appear in PALMS 58(1). Biennial Registration is Now Open! Registration​ is now open for the 2014 […]