
February 2017 Newsletter

Palm Weevils! Palm Weevils (Rhynchophorus spp. – Curculionidae), even if they are really good looking (Video 1: Redweevil Walking), are a devastating plague for palms around the world. They attack many palms and can kill an adult specimen quickly as the weevil larvae eat the apical meristem. This inflicts irreversible damage ultimately leading to the […]

January 2017 Newsletter

Hey, fellows! Happy new year! We are now under new administration! Daniel and Kevin are the two new editors taking the helm of this International Palm Society Newsletter ship. Daniel Meza is a 26-year-old Venezuelan, agronomist, palm lover, and tireless traveler living currently in Chile while getting his master’s. Kevin Hrycay is an American in central Florida […]

December 2016 Newsletter

Thanks to Members Gracias, Danke , 謝謝, Obrigado, Hvala ti, Salamat, धयवाद, Merci, ありがとうございました Did you have a great trip to Sarawak and Singapore with the IPS? Do you enjoy the discoveries, photographs, and science news in the quarterly journal, Palms? Did someone answer a question for you, or have you bought or sold palms on PalmTalk? […]

August 2016 Newsletter

Do You Know Your Directors? Directors are the backbone of the International Palm Society. While some take on visible roles, others work behind the scenes to keep the IPS moving forward. Director Susan Hubbell​ captured photos of many (but not all) directors during the recent IPS travels to Sarawak and Singapore. A Biennial is a massive […]

July 2016 Newsletter

Commemorative Palm Planting at Gardens by the Bay Biennial 2016 On the final day of the IPS Biennial meeting in Singapore, two Directors, IPS President Leland Lai and Co­Editor John Dransfield, took part in a commemorative planting of two individuals of John’s namesake, ​Adonidia dransfieldii​, a species described in the pages of PALMS last year. Leland was […]

June 2016 Newsletter

A Coconut Palm Ban in Miami, Florida? Story and photos by Elvis Cruz Dear Friends and Fellow Palm Enthusiasts, I know this sounds strange, but I swear it’s true. The City of Miami, Florida has banned the planting of coconut palms on Miami’s streets! How do I know this? View This Newsletter

May 2016 Newsletter

Raffelsia tuan­mudae; The parasitic Raffelsia has the largest single flowers in the world, sometimes measuring more than a meter across. There are over 21 distinct species occurring throughout the wet regions of Southeast Asia. The species shown here is endemic to Sarawak. Right, Boiga nigriceps; the Black­headed Cat Snake is an arboreal predator of birds and other […]